3 Ways to Reduce Stress as a Busy Working Mom
One thing all moms want more of is peace of mind and less overwhelm. Why? Because being a mom can be overwhelming and tiresome. With multiple schedules to manage and constant housework sometimes we just crave quiet.
While jugging home and work responsibilities, paired with parenting and dream chasing the question becomes, how do we decrease stress as a busy working mom?
This is how:
1. Know what you are doing
2. Know what your kids are doing
3. Know how your day will end
We can become stressed by many things in our day which is why we suggest you focus on stressors you can control. When we focus on what we can control we can help to decrease our overall stress. Say goodbye to overwhelm and frustration as we kick stress to the curb with the super tool of planning.
Know What You are Doing
One of the worst habits we can have before becoming a mom is not knowing how to manage our time. This was me as a young adult. I would make it places just in time unless it was a job interview for which I was always early (wink wink). Not proud of it but it’s what happened. Not knowing where my time was going and not being aware of when things were happening got old fast. Especially, once I became an expectant parent.
Not managing my time looked like a twisting roller coaster ride stuck on a loop that I couldn’t get off of. See I would wake up tired and navigate my day through a foggy haze due to poor diet, poor sleeping habits and poor use of time. I made meeting deadlines the only goal. When I should have made quality work and meeting the deadline my goal. I didn’t learn that my first semester of undergrad but I did learn and it changed everything. I was blessed to have my “aha” moment where I realized that if I didn’t take control of my time, that my time spent at college would be excessively difficult. Right away I took initiative to learn more about time management, productivity and planning. It would be much later that I would see even more benefits of these skills outside of education. Motherhood came with more time requirements and after a decade of parenting I am glad to use my super tool of planning to help manage my time and productivity.
So do yourself a favor and do what you need to manage your time and tasks now. If you like technology, try a digital calendar or planner. Maybe you prefer traditional paper and pencil, if yes, try out some cute planners, notebooks and nice quality pens. Next, you should write your tasks and projects out, being sure to include deadlines and other important information needed.
Taking the time to plan out your day allows you to be prepared and put focus on the tasks your desire most to accomplish. Even if it’s only 1 or 3 things a day. For example, instead of keeping a mental running “to do” list, take a few minutes to brain dump. Then identify and label what needs to be done now (24-48 hours), later in the week or in the future i.e. next week or next month. If we miss, reschedule the task BUT try not to make this a habit or it will create a chain of reactions that could lead to frustration.
As mamas our time is not always our own but if we have clarity and a system we increase our chance of accomplishing more. No need to put the pressure on because what doesn’t get done now will get done later. As we build this new habit of brain dumping, planning our days, completing tasks and being flexible with our schedule, we will begin to operate from a place of ease and more fulfillment. We now have more control over our time because we schedule things in advance and can prioritize what matters most.
As moms we all want less frustration and more control over our day, so let’s make knowing what we are doing with our time a priority. We will find with adjustments and tweaks there is a way to get what we want done without the excess stress.
2. Know What Your Kids are Doing
Let me go ahead and say yes this bit can vary based on the age of the child yet it’s good advice when you are supervising a child whether parent, relative or sitter.
Know what the kid is supposed to be doing.
Now my kids are elementary age and since they were toddlers they have always asked what we were doing, where we were going or who we were seeing. Now some people may not mind being asked the same questions a zillion times...I don’t know that person but if you do please tell them that I’d like know their secret for handling large volumes of repeat questions.
There was little enjoyment found in answering the same questions over and over thus a solution was needed. The solution is to answer the most common questions once and all at the same time. This way the kids wouldn’t need to ask again and again.
Can we have a moment to celebrate the overall decreasing number of repeat questions being asked...yay! Moment over.
Now did my kids wake up overnight knowing exactly where this new found solution to their constant questions was located? Heck no, yet after a consistent week or so they picked up on it and we have not looked back. The only hiccup is that as the adult you have to make sure the answers are there for them to find. So make this task a part of your regular scheduled activities and boom success.
So what is this tell all, know all item aka “kid question buffer”? A command center or in and out spot or family headquarters whatever name you want to give it, is fine with me. Just know this is the place where a kid can find out what they are supposed to do, when they are supposed to do it, and what they will be eating. After years of parenting, supervising students and babysitting I can tell you that kids want to know those 3 things the most. What they are doing, when they are doing it and what they are eating.
What does a family HQ look like: in our home, we have a calendar that has all activities, appointments and trips for every member in the home, we have our cleaning & chore routines visible, weekly menu with snacks as well as any items we like to include that help to motivate and inspire us to keep up with our responsibilities. Such as quotes, Bible verses, pictures etc.
Not only does this tip help us mamas, it encourages independence and empowers our kids as they take initiative to go seek and find the answers to their questions. As a mama I am definitely less stressed when there are less questions and the kids are doing what they should be. So mama give it a try, start small maybe just the menu or just the appointment calendar. Think of what your kids ask you the most and put those answers where they can find them.
Bonus: This tip is very helpful for kids learning to read and helping kids to build routines.
Let us know on Facebook or Instagram what you decided to try.
3. Know How Your Day Will End
As important as it is to start your day with a plan, it's just as important to end your day with giving yourself and family what is needed to rest, refuel and be ready for the next day. This does not have to be complicated or highly detailed. In fact, the simpler the better it is for everyone.
Growing up we did not always understand why there was a “quiet time” rule in our home. Around the same time every evening all the common areas were off limits to kids. Kids were free to be in their room playing or reading the only requirement is that the activity was quiet. As kids many of us would probably not have been a fan of that rule. Yet, when quiet time came we new it was really adult only time.
Now as a parent myself we have the “quiet time” rule in our home. Quiet time is what begins our evening routine. We shut off all screens and do something quietly and relaxing for 15-20 minutes before continuing the bedtime routine.
Sometimes we read as a family, everyone reads to themselves, we do group stretching, we may journal, color, or sit quietly in the room playing with toys. Whatever they’d like so long as the house is winding down with less noise from screens, loud talking or horseplay simply put, any mentally over simulating activities. No matter which quiet activity is decided it is the first step towards bedtime. It signifies to the entire home that the day is coming to a close and we should begin to rest our minds and bodies to take on new adventures tomorrow.
Try adding some quiet or down time into your evening routine because as parents we have the power to set the tone of our living environment and encourage our children to help create the peace, ease and fun filled home we all can enjoy. Consider ways you could make an evening quiet time part of your evening routine and how it can be made special for your family.
When possible we should do our best to include our children in what we believe it takes to make a house a home...the people, the conversations, the quality time, the memories and so much more.
Stress is a part of life however, it does not have to control or dictate how we live our life. Putting forethought into these 3 parts of your family’s life is the jump start you need to decrease your overall stress so you can say goodbye to constant overwhelm and frustration. Mama’s let’s welcome in more joy, peace and ease into our homes. The benefits may not be overnight but with consistency and compassion you can implement 1 or all of these tips to help decrease stress. As each member of the family does their part, overtime the benefits could outlive us mamas and wouldn’t that be a gift.
Live Inspired,
Achieve it Mama